Hair loss is usually associated with something the majority of men will experience as time passes by. Although male hair loss is incredibly common as men get older, there are various forms of alopecia, which can impact men and women at any time. It might seem not a big deal in comparison to other life-threatening diseases that people deal with, but it is not just a cosmetic issue. The physical effects of balding or thinning hair often lead to psychological consequences, like light levels of anxiety, social phobias, and depression.
This article aims to outline the psychological impact of hair loss and provide a solution to help to overcome it.
Why hair is so important?
Our hair plays a substantial role in our lives and is as important to us as ever. It mirrors our health, personality and it has a direct effect on our looks. It is the first most noticeable part of our appearance and sets the tone of the overall impression others have of us. For the majority of us, a bad hair day is just a bad day. It can seriously break someone’s day.
It is in our nature that we want to look attractive to our partners. Shiny and voluminous hair happens to be one of the most defining expressions of attractiveness in a human being from a physical standpoint.
For both women and men of all ages, in any culture, a head full of hair is psychologically one of the most important aspects of beauty. Although hair changes along with physical manifestations of ageing, it remains one of our most outward characteristics. Good looking hair has long been an indicator of both social and professional status. People look at others’ hands, eyes, and lips, but what they do not forget is how great (or not) the hair looked. That is why good looking hair is something everyone wants to be remembered by.
The psychological impact of hair loss.
Depending on the cause and degree of shedding, hair loss can be overwhelming. Jackie Tomlinson, who is Alopecia UK spokesperson and a dermatology specialist nurse at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, says:
“…there is a social stigma attached to going bald.”
“Hair loss can affect your sensuality and how you perceive yourself. There are usually emotional trials and tribulations when it happens.”[1]
Addressing the psychological impact of alopecia (the medical term for hair loss) is important. The condition often causes serious emotional suffering, personal, work, and social-related issues. Extreme thinning of hair ignites a feeling of hopelessness and frustration, which easily evolves into more severe cases of depression and low self-esteem.
Conducted surveys have shown, that approximately 40 per cent of women with alopecia have had marital problems, and around 63 per cent claimed to have career-related problems. [2]
Ironically, these psychological disorders can also set off, or worsen, hair loss – leading to a vicious circle.
Given the insufficient acceptance of hair loss as a legitimate medical condition, the majority of affected human beings just turn to the Internet to look for answers. Online there is plenty of miracle promises, like supplements and shampoos that claim to cure hair loss. Unfortunately, non of these work as an appropriate solution. All of this misinformation can add to people’s anxiety.
How to overcome the psychological impact of hair loss?
There are two ways of taking control of your mind when it comes to hair loss.
- One is acceptance.
To go this way, an affected male or female needs to find their coping strategy. It is difficult and mostly depends on the personality and support received. - The other way is to solve the problem.
For people affected by hair loss at some point in their lives, there is an innovative solution available, called Scalp Micropigmentation. Scalp Micropigmentation is a permanent concealer that plays a pivotal role in getting confidence back. This novel procedure wherein microdot tattoos mimic hair follicles, provides excellent scalp coverage, and generates a feeling of satisfaction. SMP is a non-surgical treatment that offers appealing and affordable camouflage, effectively hiding unsightly hair loss conditions.
Scalp Micropigmentation as a valuable technique helps to overcome the psychological impact of hair loss. Results obtained by skilled and experienced Scalp Micropigmentation artists ensure permanent camouflage in a wide range of hair loss cases. To discover how you can benefit from Scalp Micropigmentation treatment, click here.
Speaking to a Scalp Micropigmentation Technician is a good option when it comes to finding an effective and convenient treatment for hair fall. There is no reason why you should not consider scalp micropigmentation to overcome your hair loss issue. Losing hair does not have to be one of those situations that trigger that feeling of helplessness. If your hair loss is causing you distress, get in touch today, and discuss your SMP treatment.
[1] NHS
[2] Research Gate